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 strpbrk()               Scan String for Character from Character Set

 #include   <string.h>                   Required for declarations only

 char       *strpbrk(string1,charset);
 const char *string1;                    Source string
 const char *charset;                    Character set

    strpbrk() scans 'string1' for the first occurrence of any of the
    characters from 'charset'.  The terminating null character ('\0') is
    not included in the search.

       Returns:     A pointer to the first occurrence of any of the
                    characters in 'charset'.  If none of the characters
                    in 'charset' occur in 'string1' a NULL pointer is

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements scan 'string' for a vowel.  If one is found,
    a message, along with the vowel, is printed.

           #include <string.h>
           #include <stdio.h>

           char string[20] = "straight";
           char charset[6] = "aeiou";
           char *rslt;

                if ((rslt = strpbrk(string,charset)) != NULL)
                     printf("vowel found: %c \n",*rslt);

See Also: strcspn() strchr() strrchr()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson